The next version of iOS includes a new feature called Screen Time which helps you understand and take control of the time you and your kids spend interacting with your iOS devices.
One of the key benefits of owning a Mac is having to do very little in order to maintain it. Some software providers run advertising to convince you otherwise but in our experience most are junk and can slow your Mac.
At the end of the WWDC Apple provided a sneak peak of a feature coming next year, iOS apps can be easily ported to macOS. This should increase the number of macOS apps available dramatically!
Barely noticed with the recent announcement of the new iPad and other Education announcements was the quiet release if information about a new web-based business management platform to deploy and manage iOS, macOS, and tvOS devices; Apple Business Manager.
Need to install an iOS update, iPhone running a little slow or just running out of space? Check out some of our tips on freeing up some storage space on your iPhone.
Need to run a MYOB for Windows or do some PC gaming on your Mac? There are two main methods of running Windows on a Mac, Boot Camp and virtualisation. Each method has it's own benefits and drawbacks.
Have you been eyeing off a new Mac because your current one is running a little slow? Luckily you don't always have to fork out for a new computer to enjoy speed increases. Macs generally have a long lifespan compared to other computers and can perform well for 5 years if looked after.