Apple’s macOS Mojave brings Dark Mode, new desktop Stacks, FaceTime group calling, an updated Mac App Store and familiar iOS apps, including News, Stocks, Voice Memos and Home.
In what continues to be the worst kept secret: Apple has announced it's Sept iPhone event. It is almost guaranteed that new iPhones will be released and the Apple Watch 4 is also strongly rumoured.
Parallels V14 includes performance improvements, graphics improvements, saves virtual machine storage space, starts four times faster, and is ready for macOS Mojave.
Looking for modern optometrist practice software designed just for macOS and iOS? Want patients to be able to enter their information on an iPad in the waiting room? Need a patient portal to allow your patients to register and schedule their own appointments?
Looking for modern chiropractic practice software designed just for macOS and iOS? Want patients to be able to enter their information on an iPad in the waiting room? Need a patient portal to allow your patients to register and schedule their own appointments?
Microsoft has announced the new version of Office for Mac to be released later this year. In a continuing effort to encourage customers to switch to Office 365 subscription the new version will include a 10% price increase.
Looking for modern dental practice software designed just for macOS and iOS? Want patients to be able to enter their information on an iPad in the waiting room? Need a patient portal to allow your patients to register and schedule their own appointments?